Summer science workshop
for high school educators
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Location: Generac Hall - Wisconsin Lutheran College
Parking: Complimentary parking is available in the WLC Parking Center at 8701 W. Wisconsin Avenue. Directions to WLC and a campus map can be accessed here.
Check in: 8:30 a.m.
Session 1: 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. (Dr. John Werner OR Dr. Allison Phillips)
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Session 2: 1:00 - 4:00 pm (Dr. Rob Balza)
Registration Fee:
$50 per session, includes lunch
Session Information:
Dr. Allison Phillips (Session 1) will introduce you to three simple and fun model systems for teaching Mendelian genetics -- Wisconsin Fast Plants, fruit flies, and maize. Using these model systems, you can teach your students a variety of topics including autosomal and sex-linked monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses, microevolution, plant breeding, animal husbandry, and the value of model systems in research. We will review the concepts, walk through hypothesis-driven sample labs, and learn tips and tricks for working with these model systems. Participants will receive a Wisconsin Fast Plants kit to use with their own students.
Dr. John Werner (Session 1) will demonstrate how to make science education fun and delicious with fermented foods! Unlock the world of microbiology and biochemistry with fermented food experiments. This process harnesses the metabolism of beneficial bacteria and yeast to transform raw ingredients into delicious and nutritious foods. Dr. Werner will demonstrate some simple experiments that can easily be performed in the classroom and potentially sampled. You will be provided with protocols, material lists, and educational materials for classes at your school.
Dr. Rob Balza (Session 2) will demonstrate how to maintain a zebrafish colony in your classroom. Zebrafish are easy to breed and the transparency of embryos allows students to observe the effect of the environment on development. Workshop participants will also be shown how important principles of animal behavior, environmental science, and regenerative medicine can be demonstrated using this popular animal model system. Each workshop participant will be given a starter kit (tank, filter, lights, etc) that may be used to establish a complete classroom zebrafish aquarium.
For questions, please contact Dr. Jarrod Erbe at 414.443.8622 or jarrod.erbe@wlc.edu.