Jose Argueta is leading with action
There are plenty of people in our lives who “talk the talk.” But then there are those who “walk the walk.” WLC student Jose Argueta is firmly in the latter category; for him, actions speak louder than words. Every moment presents an opportunity to share the love of God through acts of service and words of encouragement.

“In a world that lacks compassion and understanding – where division and hostility are present everywhere you look – I’m going to make a difference by planting seeds of God’s love. Sometimes spreading the Gospel can be a lot of talk with no action. I want to be that action.”
A vessel of hope
For as long as he can remember, Jose has loved sports, especially soccer. More than just a hobby, he feels sports are a “microcosm of the real world” from which we can gain valuable life lessons. For example, Jose sees how an athlete overcoming a serious injury often mirrors the healing process in our relationships with others. Jose is melding a genuine appreciation for athletics with his desire to serve and bring healing to others by pursuing a career as a physical therapist.
“The ability to move is something we take for granted as humans. As a physical therapist, I will have the opportunity to act as vessel of hope and healing as I help people regain their motion.”
the perfect blend
Jose chose WLC because he could learn the science of his vocation from a Christian perspective while daily strengthening his faith. “In a worrying time in our world, WLC is an oasis and a breath of fresh air. It offers the perfect blend of faith and education … I count myself blessed to be here.”
As a sport and exercise science major, Jose is learning the theory and skills necessary to becoming a physical therapist one day. The rigorous program is positioning him for a successful transition to graduate school at Rosalind Franklin University, where he will emerge with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.
Growing in our Savior
But even more than preparing him academically, WLC is strengthening Jose’s heart as a Christian servant leader. From Bible studies and daily chapel to character-building experiences in the Christian Leadership Certificate Program, Jose has no shortage of opportunities to grow in the likeness of our Savior.
“My experiences at WLC have truly helped me live out Jesus’ words. Sometimes what we are called to do may seem humble and small, but if our Lord and Savior washed his disciples’ feet, who am I to reject any opportunity to serve?”
Will you help?
As Jose said, division and hostility are, sadly, very prevalent in our world. People are starving for the light of the Gospel, and our Christian men and women are eager to bring it forth across countless vocational callings. However, we can only carry out our mission of preparing servant leaders with support from friends like you. Your gift will help to ensure that students like Jose have the scholarship support they need to attend WLC. Your generosity often hits closer to home than you might think.
Make a gift
“My mom and dad sacrificed a lot to be able to give me a Christian education. But it still wouldn’t have been possible without support from scholarship donors. You made an investment in me, and I will not let you down.”
Thank you
WLC students are indeed “walking the walk.” Daily, these Christian leaders cheerfully seek opportunities to serve God and one another. Your gift – small or large – enables students to continue growing in their Christian faith and lives of service. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for our students and our mission.